Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Food Myths Bebunked

Lifehacker: 10 Stubborn Food Myths That Just Won’t Die, Debunked by Science
Lifehacker: 10 More Stubborn Food Myths that Just Won't Die, Debunked by Science
  1. Never use wooden cutting boards with meat
  2. Adding salt to water changes the boiling point and cooks food faster
  3. Low-fat food are always good for you
  4. Dairy is best for healthy bones
  5. Everyone should drink 64 ounces of water a day
  6. High-sodium foods taste salty
  7. Eating eggs raises cholesterol
  8. Searing meat seals in the juices
  9. Aluminum foil and cookware is linked to Alzheimer's disease
  10. Don't eat after a certain time of evening/night
  11. Skipping a meal makes your body go into super-conservative "starvation mode"
  12. To gain muscle, eat a high-protein diet
  13. Salt is bad for you
  14. Never freeze coffee for storage
  15. Pregnant women should avoid sushi
  16. Animal protein is better than plant protein
  17. Artificial sweeteners are 100% safe
  18. Unsaturated fats are good, saturated fats are bad
  19. Lobsters scream in pain when boiled
  20. The tryptophan in turkey makes you sleepy

Tips to Improve Your Credit Score

From Ramit Sethi's blog, "I Will Teach You to Be Rich".

Anti-Asian racism alive and kicking

Hmong City Council Candidate in St. Paul, MN gets a racist message.

Hello. I just got your flyer. I'm a house owner and property owner of the city of St. Paul, and I know a lot of people who would not vote for you. You are Hmong, and I don't understand why you people think you can take the state of Minnesota over like this. We would never vote for you. You all do everything to have the Hmongs come over in the city of St. Paul. You've taken over the state of Minnesota practically, and we don't agree with that. The only people that's going to vote for you is the Hmong people. I don't understand why you guys throw this stuff out and you think you can, what... You own your own businesses, and you do your own businesses, and you purchase things from your own businesses. You buy Toyotas and you buy Hondas -- what, because you guys can't fit inside a Cadillac or truck or something? We don't understand that. You'll never make it to council... with the people in Minnesota. So don't send your shit over here, I'm telling you that. Fucking Hmongs.